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Monthly Book Club

Book Club meets on the last Wednesday of the month (unless otherwise noted) to discuss topics surrounding land, history, ecology, and community.

January 29th, 7PM: Silent Spring Revolution by Douglas Brinkley:

In Silent Spring Revolution, Douglas Brinkley pays tribute to those who combated the mauling of the natural world in the Long Sixties: Rachel Carson (a marine biologist and author), David Brower (director of the Sierra Club), Barry Commoner (an environmental justice advocate), Coretta Scott King (an antinuclear activist), Stewart Udall (the secretary of the interior), William O. Douglas (Supreme Court justice), Cesar Chavez (a labor organizer), and other crusaders are profiled with verve and insight.

Free tickets to this event are available here.

Please email with any Book Club questions or to be added to the Book Club mailing list.

January 18

Quilting Workshop with Susan Chiappini

January 30

Monthly Cheese Tasting